STRATEGY We support our clients on creating and developing growing, focused, sustainable and consolidated businesses. Business strategy (analysis and implementation) Portfolio management Growth strategies Build stronger teams and organizations CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT We assist you on implementing world leading governance best practices alongside assessing your company on knowing and mitigating risks. Governance processes…
FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING We can assist your company on its most sensitive financial decisions. Company performance management framework, best practices, key metrics Financial reporting structures Working capital management Financial risk assessment and management Accounting compliance (legal and taxes) Tax compliance Budgeting PRIVATE EQUITY Equity capital raising and financing Acquisitions and mergers Deal procurement Business valuation…
MARKET DEVELOPMENT A globalised economy requires an ever growing presence in internacional markets. At Morus we can assist your business, “walking the walk” with you. Market research & development Business intelligence International business strategy development Partnership procurement Logistics & Distribution Legal, regulatory and tax constraints Business setup in foreign countries TAX Business trading internationally should…